(click the above image for the link to our youtube channel)
why are we doing this?
since it is my uni vacation now before my unofficial practicum,
i decided to create a youtube channel, where i upload footage of my mum's cooking!
6 subscribers so far, and some 20,30,50ish viewers to each videos, varying due to the period of posting.
since i created my personal instagram a few years ago, i attach the hashtag of #mylaobuisagoodcook to photographs i post of my mum's homemade treats and meals! the hashtag seems to be uniquely mine, and no one has exploited it thus far (good, please stay that way tyvm) - except for ONE random prawn noodle that someone took at a kopitiam and rudely attached MY hashtag HAHAHAHA ok no copyrights, so oh well, leave it there then.
yup, then i created this blog, where i would share some small tales about the story surrounding my mum's food.
then came the youtube channel.
ok i would admit that i do wonder who are the audiences of my channels and the subscribers.
the numbers aren't very high.
and i guess large numbers of followers likes all that aren't what i am after for making the videos, and creating the channel, and even sharing it on the different social media platform.
rather, i just see it as, sharing and spreading the love she used to prepare these homecooked meals else where!
since i have more time to spend now, i decided to record the footage in the kitchen, and hone my video making and editing skills to produce vids for mylaobuisagoodcook channel!
i love eating
i love watching my mum cook food that i love to eat
i love my mum
the videos and youtube channel are for you mum.