Mango Sago Dessert

Mum (and I - but how should I even deserve it man haha) was (singular past tense because I think I really don't deserve it, I only want the limelight hahaha just kidding) in the papers! What an amazing feat, isn't it!  So proud of her. :) There was even a picture of us smiling at the camera, with different mango delights.

So the story goes like this. One day, we saw the notice posted by the TC on FB so we went to check it out and got ourselves a bag of mangoes. Can you imagine how lovely the mangoes smell? :)
That's right, my mama, the cook, the chef, the baker, the WONDER, whipped up several phenomenal dishes, ft. Mangoes. And as usual, she would share her creations. Hahaha the softcopy!- right, like I've said, technology will be the greatest, the bestest if you can download the food you see online. But lucky me, I get to eat my mama's food because she cooks it just for ME. ;)

The TC found her and contacted her, asking her to share these for a newspaper interview.. And my mum agreed. (my dad thought it was a prank? she wanted to turn it down. but i said she should give it a try. who gets to appear in the papers so easily hehe)

Check this out! 联合早报 《我的邻里》 淡滨尼硕果累累 新加坡 2015-08-05



The various mango feasts my mum can make are:

  • mango sago dessert (this post)
  • mango salad
  • mango pudding
  • mango fried rice
  • mango cup cake
  • mango pancake
  • mango popsicle
  • mango milkshake
  • mango sticky rice
  • mango pound cake
  • mango rojak
  • mango muffin
  • mango .... .....

and the list goes on and on and on and on and on
because she is capable and amazing and creative.
Defying all the odds.
So stay tuned.
