
#nowplaying (在我脑海里):  背对背拥抱
"我不要一直到 形同陌路变成自找...”

虽然意思差得远,但是 “变成自找” 正是在形容我。

到底坚持些什么,到底要些什么, 到底追求些什么,一概无头绪。就连为什么怒了,伤心了,开心了, 感动了, 激动了, 说不了 ,也无法给自己一个确切的理由,更别说别人。连给自己辩解的理由 自己都不信了, 还有谁会? 反反复复的。

也许安静了,选择无语 是一个很好的出口,但是 沉默 后,到底谁会真正理解你。


别人说你是一个真诚懂事善良乖巧有礼貌的人, 那到底谁是谁 我是我吗?

想想以前的自己是怎样的 那后来的自己呢?

所以呢,这碗<泡参鱼圆咖喱面> 蛮好吃的, 但是吃着吃着有好多无奈。到底在想些什么? 

Those were some very incoherent paragraphs, I don't even know what am I typing about or how the ideas are flowing. So yeah, here you go.

The fishballs were very chewy and the soup was just rightly flavoured with a small tinge of spiciness which was very much bearable by someone who doesn't really take spicy food. 

I love 泡参. <3 
I just love chinese herbs. They have some calming effect. I love herbal soups. They are the best. For making you feel better, fresher and charged.

Having a desert now: Bubor chacha.

Note to self: Remember to smile and be who you are, even though you may be uncertain sometimes. It's okay.