Apple Cinnamon Pancake

Because they are so so so so AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS AND FABULOUSLY WONDERFUL. I am gonna jump straight in to talking about the food.

*jumps onto the pancake and climbs down the stack, posing a victory sign at the bottom of the stack while standing with the diced apple slices*

Mum drizzle the apple cinnamon sauce over the stack of equally sized pancakes. OMG. Should have made a boomerang capturing that moment. The moment the sauce happily trickle down. Like there's a moment of denial on the part of the apple cinnamon and then MAGIC HAPPENS. Don't you think that photo looks kinda magical. 

The sauce wasn't too sweet or it will be quite 腻 to eat after awhile. It was just nice. It was just perfection when eaten with the pancakes. So this is how you should it eat: 
1. Cut a bite-sized piece of pancake, well-drizzled with the apple cinnamon sauce
2. Put it nicely on the spoon
3. Stack on diced apple slice on the top
4. Put it into your mouth
Now sink your teeth in, slowly. Ok, so there's a slight crunch to the diced apple slice and the cinnamon powder + the apple is just A+, need I say much! Then okay, you're right, the fluffiness of the pancake, there's some thickness, but it is just so fluffy, it's like jumping on clouds. :) Lick your lips, that's right, the apple cinnamon sauce. :)  *inserts the last "WOW" in the btob song "Wow"*

Can't wait for mum to make this apple cinnamon goodness again HEHEHEHEHEHE. *big wide grin, shows teeth* <hint hint to mum if you read this>
